Monday, November 23, 2009

It's around Thanksgiving time that I ...

It's around Thanksgiving time that I really realize how much I miss having my biology classes.  We would discuss subjects such as tryptophan and cholesterol which would make me sometimes think twice about partaking in the Thanksgiving events but it would never deter me.    It's amazing how much goes on in our bodies and in the world around us that we don't even realize.  Thanksgiving is the mark for the holidays coming and finals approaching.  Though nerve-racking, it was always a thrill to see the end of the classes and discovering how much you learned.  Biology takes place everywhere on Thanksgiving.  Whether it's the leaves changing, the different plants either blooming or dying, or our own bodies reacting to the weather changing. 


I loved learning how tryptophan (found in that delicious turkey) actually doesn't make me want to take that nap right after eating.  That's right.  I said it.  Tryptophan in your turkey doesn't really make you sleepy on Thanksgiving.  Though turkey does contain tryptophan (more precisely L-tryptophan), it must be taken on an empty stomach to make you drowsy.  Tryptophan is used in our bodies as an amino acid.  This amino acid is used to produce the B-vitamin niacin.  Also, tryptophan can also be used to create melatonin and serotonin.  These two neurotransmitters are known to have a calming effect and help regulate sleep.  Now, while tryptophan can help put you to sleep, it is the fats that are consumed that really help bring on the nap time.  According to, when a lot of fat is consumed, it takes a lot of energy to digest it and the body redirects the blood flow to the digestive system, making people feel fatigued, especially when overeating is involved.  Also, alcohol is known to be a depressant of the nervous system which allows the body to relax and nap time can creep  on in.


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Not just the food but the time it represents and the family time that comes along with it.  It's around this time of the year that I begin to notice people to be in better moods.  I'm excited for Thanksgiving and I say bring on the nap time!

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